June 2nd Montreal Class Trip Checklist and Itinerary

  • copy of birth certificate, consent letter, and permission slip to homeroom teacher by Wednesday, May 18th. If you are using a passport, it is your responsibility to remember to bring it on June 2nd.
  • good walking shoes and comfortable clothing
  • sunscreen before leaving
  • light jacket for night time or in case of rain
  • bag lunch
  • money for dinner
  • Camera
  • *If students bring cell phones, please check with your provider about extra charges while roaming!*

Please Note: There will be no place to secure valuables so keep them home! We will also not have access to the bus throughout the day so plan bringing a small backpack and carrying your belongings throughout the day.

Schedule for Thursday, June 2nd:

8:30 Departure from school. All students, chaperones and teachers need to ride the buses.

Arrival at the Biodome
1 hour for the Biodome visit
lunch (1 hour) - we recommend bringing a bag lunch
1 hour and 15 minutes for the Olympic Tower
2 hours at the Planetarium (including 2 multimedia events and a visit of the exposition)

4:30-5:00  Metro and walk to downtown for dinner.

5:00-7:00  Dinner and shopping - the mall has a food court. Please bring $10+ for dinner and shopping.

7:00-8:30  Bus to lookout at the top of Mont Royal for a night view of the city

8:30 Departure from Montreal to Vermont

10:00 Approximate time of arrival at SATEC


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