Tuesday, November 11
- The Outsiders 1960s WebQuest due Wednesday.
- Lesson 2 spelling and vocab quizzes Thursday.
- Reading Log due Thursday (11/13)
- Lesson 2 spelling and vocab quizzes Thursday.
- Reading Log due Thursday (11/13)
- 60 pages with 12 bullet points
- Find and identify 3 different literary devices AND explain how you know each one
- Gilgamesh rewrite rough draft due tomorrow.
- Math test on probability Wednesday (11/12)
- How many nickels? due Friday.
- How many nickels? due Friday.
- 2 paragraphs (5 sentences each) on What if you had a dog's sense of smell? OR What if you could see into the future? due Friday.
- My Own Science: Research due 11/21
- My Own Science: Research due 11/21