
Showing posts from June, 2016

June 2nd Montreal Class Trip Checklist and Itinerary

Checklist: copy of birth certificate, consent letter, and permission slip to homeroom teacher by Wednesday, May 18th. If you are using a passport, it is your responsibility to remember to bring it on June 2nd. good walking shoes and comfortable clothing sunscreen before leaving light jacket for night time or in case of rain bag lunch money for dinner Camera *If students bring cell phones, please check with your provider about extra charges while roaming!* Please Note : There will be no place to secure valuables so keep them home! We will also not have access to the bus throughout the day so plan bringing a small backpack and carrying your belongings throughout the day. Schedule for Thursday, June 2nd: 8:30 Departure from school. All students, chaperones and teachers need to ride the buses. 10:30-4:15 Arrival at the Biodome 1 hour for the Biodome visit lunch (1 hour) - we recommend bringing a bag lunch 1 hour and 15 minutes for the Olympic...