
Showing posts from March, 2020

Google Meets for Video Conferencing: Guidelines for Families

We will be using Google Hangouts/Meets for online video meetings. Here is a document with Guidelines for Families . We have heard from many parents regarding permission to video conference with your child. If you have not already, p lease contact us if you would not like your child to participate for any reason. Ms. Westbrook and Ms. Berry have set up book group meetings to check in with students. Invitations for meetings have been sent to students' emails. A student can also request meetings outside of scheduled meetings. Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, March 24 Book Groups

Book Groups : We hope you were able to access the videos from yesterday. Today, please page through these 30 photos of NYC - they will help you visualize the places you are reading about. Today, you should be working on the fifth reading and Job #5.  Tree Grows group: Listen to the 6 minute segment Inside The Black Hand from NPR. (The Black Hand is referenced in today’s reading). Other groups - listen if you are interested!

Monday LA

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Welcome back to "school" ... Book Groups : Please watch Coming to America - NY’s immigrants (5 mins) and tenement housing . These videos will give you some visuals for the settings you are reading about in your book groups. You should be working on the fourth r eading and job #4 today. Please continue to check the shared docs in Google Classroom and share a discussion question that your peers can respond to. 

Algebra help

I've scheduled a test run of Zoom for the algebra students on Monday at 1:00 p.m.  Any and all questions are welcome, or just stop by and say "hi".  It'll also serve as a test of Zoom for holding help sessions. Thanks, .......Mr. P.

Friday, March 20

Thank you to those of you who have reached out to us with questions! Email is a great way to get a hold of us, and we appreciate all of the students who have reached out to us directly with questions. A special thanks to the 6 students in the Tree Grows in Brooklyn reading group. We did a test run of a virtual meeting today using Zoom. It was a bit glitchy: the audio and video were inconsistent, which made it hard to have an extended conversation. We will be trying Google Meets next week.  Parents - Please have your student sign up for this blog directly, if they haven’t done so already. The blog spot is: Thank you & stay healthy! Ms. W & Mr. P

Thursday, March 19

Happy Spring! I hope you got out for a walk today. Lexia Reminders: Here is the link to access Lexia . Your username and password should be the same as your google login. Please email your teacher if you can’t log in. Please try to do 15-20 minutes a day. The goal should be 15-20 units per week.  Technology Survey : Do you need a Chromebook from school? There was a technology survey sent to parents on Monday, but if you didn’t fill it out, we don’t know that you need a Chromebook.  Book Check-In:   Today you should be working on your second reading and Job #2. Please remember to check your email daily and ask questions as they come up!

Wed., March 18 Check-In

Hello everyone,  Students, please check your school email everyday, as you will receive emails (via our blog or from one of your teachers) quite often! Language Arts: Today was your first day of reading for our Turn of the Century literature circle. Remember, sometimes when you start a book it can be challenging to keep people and places organized in your thoughts. It will help if you add information to your character page as you read.  I emailed all students with a link for questions and group discussion around their books. Social Studies: The Mapping Skills packet is in black and white, which is difficult to read. Please use the color maps on Google Classroom while you work on this. Email me if you have questions! I was able to help a few kids during the school day Monday and Tuesday, and I fully anticipate that more of you will have questions.  Email is the best way to get a hold of us, so please don’t hesitate to send us a message. We ho...

Accessing Junior Scholastic Online - Here's the Class Code!
