Classwork/Homework 5/17
LA: -Infectious Disease Informational Essay due Thursday, 5/23 Section 1 and 2 due by Monday - begin Section 3 Section 1 - Introduction Introduce your disease and briefly describe it. Include some background information. The last sentence should state a claim about the disease. Claim examples : Smallpox was one of the most dangerous and destructive diseases of its time. OR Due to its highly contagious nature, people should know about the current measles epidemic. Section 2 - The Infectious Disease List the cause and all symptoms of the disease. Describe how people get this disease. Explain how the disease is spread. You need at least one picture, diagram, or other graphic. Section 3 - Outbreak In this section, you need to explain one “outbreak” or epidemic (where, when, what happened, how many people died, etc.). Include a map AND at least one pictu...